

Using cloth diapers - advice, tips and tricks

Where to change?

If you use a changing table you have a child laid at a practical height for handling and the changing supplies are always at hand. But never leave your baby on a high counter unattended, even for a while. Even a few weeks old baby can accidentally flip over.

Changing on the floor on the carpet provides the advantage that you can let the baby move freely without diaper for a few minutes and you don't have to be right next to her.

Changing on a waterproof mat

When changing on a carpet, in a stroller, when out and about or at the doctors, we recommend our Anavy changing mat. We make the mats in two versions - fully waterproof (with PUL) and partially waterproof.  


Changing the diaper

Diaper + PUL cover

Babies do not like long and complicated manipulation, try to have the diaper assembled and ready so that the changing takes only a moment. Slip the diaper under the baby, fasten the absorbent part of the diaper first, then adjust the waterproof cover. The diapers must not pinch the baby, but they should not be too loose either because they would leak. The absorbent part of the diaper should not peek out of the waterproof cover - the liquid would be drawn onto clothing.

In our diapers, the baby's bottom does not come into contact with polyester because we use bamboo terry for absorbent cores - a fabric made of fiber of plant origin. Many children develop a rash after contact with polyester fleece and, moreover, polyester fleece often becomes clogged with detergent build-up or rash creams, reducing its ability to absorb.

You can learn how to change different types of diapers in our videos.

How often do I have to change a diaper?

Especially newborns and small infants should be changed as often as possible. Urine starts to decompose after two hours and begins to release ammonia which can irritate the sensitive skin. Prolonged stay in a soiled diaper often causes sore spots. Newborn babies need around 8-9 changes a day (24 hours) or even more, depending on the frequency of stools. Larger children usually need around 7 changes per day. In general, a diaper should not be on a baby for longer than 3 hours.

At night, we change whenever the baby wakes up and the diaper is soiled. Newborn babies are usually changed with every breastfeeding, older children who no longer poop at night, do not have to be changed unless they drink and pee a lot at night, or if staying in a wet diaper causes sore spots.

What about a used diaper?

Pail with a lid

Put the soiled absorbent part of the diaper directly into the prepared diaper pail. Waterproof cover that is not soiled or very damp can be used again.



You need to remove stools from the absorbent part of the diaper first. You can rinse liquid newborn stools in a sink or bathtub. Solid poop has to be disposed of into the toilet, you might find a kitchen squeegee handy for this task.

How to avoid handling poop as much as possible

Diaper liner

For some parents the idea of ​​manually removing stools from a diaper may be very unpleasant. This can be avoided very effectively by using a diaper liner.

It is a rectangle made of a layer of thin paper like material that it is placed on top of the absorbent diaper, so that the baby poops directly on it. Throw the soiled liner into the garbage bin, leaving only a stain on the diaper, which you can pre-wash with bile soap (not absolutely necessary) and then put the diaper in the pail. Liners that have only been peed on can be washed and reused.

We also offer washable liners for a stay-dry feeling that are very useful especially for night time use.

Cleaning the bottom

Cleansing oil, wipes and spray bottle

Cleasing oil is an excellent alternative to wet wipes, that contain a lot of possibly irritant ingredients and that create a lot of waste. This oil mixes with water in the spray bottle for easy application. It is best to use this oil with our cloth wipes. You do not have to use any creams afterwards because the oil leaves a thin protective layer.

Rash creams

You do not have to use any rash creams for a cloth diapered baby with healthy skin. If a rash develops and you have to use a cream, use a disposable diaper liner that protects the diaper from getting clogged with the grease (that would make it less absorbent).

Use natural oils suitable for newborns, only lubricate with a thin layer. Use curative creams and ointments from the pharmacy if the baby has a problem with the skin.




Hana Křivánková

Dlouholetá (bývalá) zaměstnankyně společnosti, máma tří dětí, dnes ve službách školství.